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European Health Data Space

On 3 May 2022, the European Commission launched the European Health Data Space. A major turning point in the vision of digital health at the European level!

Par Nicolas Cambolin, Partner, Global Director Data Intelligence

In February 2020, the Commission communicated its "European Data Strategy". She recognised the growing and fundamental role of data in economic development, innovation and the services of public institutions. The aim was to create an open single data market that fosters exchanges between countries while respecting fundamental rights and in particular those relating to the protection of personal data. Nine common data spaces had been defined: industry, the Green Deal, mobility, health, finance, energy, agriculture, public administration and skills in the broad sense.

In line with this strategy, on 3 May 2022 the European Commission launched the European Health Data Space (EHDS) for people and science. This is a major turning point in the vision of digital health at the European level.

Citizens will thus be able to gate their digital health data and share this data with health specialists in the EU Member States.

Member States will be responsible for ensuring a common European format for digital content (patient file, medical imaging, laboratory results, hospitalisation documents, etc.). They will also have to appoint digital health authorities and contribute to the infrastructure that will enable cross-border exchanges via “MyHealth @ EU”.

The interoperability and security standards will apply to all public and private players. 

EHDS will leverage ongoing initiatives on public digital assets that develop technical capabilities such as artificial intelligence, high performance computing, cloud, electronic identity and cybersecurity.

The proposal for a regulation presented by the European Commission will soon be examined by the Council and the European Parliament.

We therefore see the European datastrategy deployed in the strategic areas defined. There are many implications for the entire digital health ecosystem. Citizens must remain at the heart of the new open and cross-border model. They must be in control of their data. Solution publishers and digital services companies must guarantee these digital exchanges and their security.


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